The GGBT website is delighted and most encouraged by the fact that we continue to receive a steady number of articles for our Current Research page. It proves yet again that Graham Greene and his works still provide an active forum for research and debate. To this end, Andrei Gorzo, who was scheduled to give a talk at the 2020 Festival, has written a very thought-provoking article entitled The Battle over The Quiet American. The article examines in depth the differences between Greene’s original novel and the Joseph L. Mankiewitz 1958 filmic interpretation – which is very different but well worth watching.
Andrei Gorzo does not ‘pull any punches’ in his article and perhaps readers will find his comments, on Greene’s ‘hero’ Fowler in particular, both interesting and challenging. Please turn to the Current Research page (to be found by using the Resources and Archive tab) to read the article. It is based on a two-part university seminar the writer taught in 2017 and we are grateful to Andrei for adapting it for this website. We published another article by this writer last year, entitled Graham Greene’s Romanian Connection: A 30-year Correspondence and this can be found further down the same page of this website.