The third and final volume of The Works of Graham Greene by Jon Wise and Mike Hill will be published in April of this year. Readers of this website are invited to take advantage of a substantial discount on the recommended retail price of this book by using the discount code on publisher’s advertising ‘flyer’ which can be accessed using the link below.
As stated in the introduction to the first volume of this trilogy, it has been the authors’ intention throughout to produce a comprehensive bibliography of Graham Greene’s writings, both published and unpublished ‘which also functions as an informative guide’.
This volume describes over 260 hitherto unknown published pieces of writing by the author as well as providing valuable, additional information on 150 previously identified works. Six, major new archives, mainly consisting of Greene’s correspondence, are described in detail with a further 30 listed in brief. The second half of the book comprises nine essays by the two authors, most of which originate from their researches in connection with the writing of this book.
The Works of Graham Greene vol 3 flyer