More news about the exciting line-up for Festival 2020 has now been released. It seems that ‘theatre’, the environment in which Greene felt he could relax and enjoy himself, is to the fore in several of the themes our contributors have chosen.
Ben Frost and Richard Hough will be interviewed by Mike Hill on the subject, ‘Cuban Rhythms: a musical version of Our Man in Havana.’
Maria Jany will give ‘a talk accompanied by a reading’ on the subject ‘Graham Greene on Stage: A German Perspective’.
Dr Creina Mansfield’s talk is entitled, ‘Every Night Something Awful: Basil Dean and Graham Greene’.
So what is the connection with the theatre is this talk? Perhaps you can guess straight away, but to give a clue, what acronym do you get using the first four words of the title? Work that out and you should be able to understand the theatre link.
Last, and by no means least, Professor Judith Adamson (a well-known face at Berkhamsted) and Greene’s great-granddaughter Alexandra Bourget will be in conversation. They have chosen the title, ‘Re-reading Graham with his great granddaughter, an inter-generational ramble’. An intriguing prospect.
Festival Director Mike Hill has said that his programme is almost finalised. So, please watch out for further news which will include a forecast about when the Box Office will be open for purchase of tickets.