Good luck, Lucas Townsend

Our Birthplace Trustee and Membership Secretary Lucas Townsend is coming to the end of his PhD ‘journey’. His thesis has been submitted and he awaits his viva, when he will be questioned about his work. We wish him the very best. We published a copy of his progression report a while ago. We have now replaced this with a brief abstract (or summary) of the final draft of his study of the works of Graham Greene and Ian Fleming. Please turn to the Current Research page in the Resources and Archive section to read this piece.

Those who attended the festival may have noticed that this time Lucas was conspicuous by his absence. This is because he has started a new job  as a Lecturer and Researcher in the Department of English Literature and Culture at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany. Lucas is determined to be at the 2025 Festival. It is to be hoped that in the fullness of time his interesting thesis will be published in book form.