Carcanet Press have made a generous offer on their publication Mornings in the Dark: The Graham Greene Film Reader available to The Graham Greene Birthplace Trust. The publishers will take 25% off the normal retail price for the book of £25.00. You can access this offer by visiting the Carcanet Press website, , using the book title in the search box and applying the code GREENEBT25 at the checkout.
It is no exaggeration to say that Mornings in the Dark, edited by David Parkinson is an excellent book in every way. In some respects the title does not do justice to its content: it contains much more than the only complete set of Greene’s famously good film criticism in print. It also includes his book reviews about cinema, his film scripts, film treatments (such as The Stranger’s Hand) together with rare transcripts of interviews and lectures.
Film played an enormously important part in Graham Greene’s life and time has shown that it continues to form a vital part of his legacy. Mornings in the Dark is an incredible resource for anyone wanting to know more about Greene’s fascination with this genre.
Jon Wise