Richard Dreyfus and Marsha Mason who starred together in the film The Goodbye Girl (1977), for which Dreyfus won an Oscar, will re-unite for a virtual performance of The Letters of Noël Coward. The event takes place at the Bay Street Theater, ( on 25 August. The down-side, for those living in the UK, it will be streamed from New York starting at 8pm (Eastern Time) which will make it a late night if you want to follow the performance!
Curated by the director Bob Balaban, the pair will read correspondence between Noël Coward, Alec Guinness and Graham Greene who all met during the filming of Our Man in Havana. ‘Capturing the wit and genius of these three artists, the letters range in topics from Cole Porter to varicose veins’.
Following the performance there will be a question and answer session on Zoom with director Bob Balaban.
Coincidentally, the Noël Coward Archive at The University of Birmingham, which previously had been closed to the public, is now open. It contains a small amount of Greene correspondence with Coward and some other items of interest from around the time of the making of the 1959 film.